Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Georgia On My Mind

 The prompt this month for our story was an astronaut floating in space. This is the story I came up with:



“Come back inside, George!”


“You have to come back in sometime.”

“Why should I?”

“Because you’ll die out there you crazy idget!” Charles screamed.

“Do you see this view?” George asked. He waved toward the moon. He didn’t wait for an answer. “I’d rather die out here, with that view, that back on Earth gasping for breath in some hospital.”

“You don’t know that you’re going to die when we go back home,” Abby pointed out. “The virus numbers are going down almost everywhere in the United States.”

“Almost everywhere,” George whispered.

Charles shrugged and turned toward Abby. “I don’t know what to do. We can try to reel him in but the crazy bastard might just cut the rope.” Abby gasped. “You don’t think he’d actually do that, do you?” Charles looked back out the window. “I think he might.

She and Charles both heard the automated voice indicate it was almost time to leave for home. “George, we have five minutes,” Charles said. “The odds are better against the virus than against outer space for goodness sakes!”

“Maybe for y’all,” George said as they watched him disconnect his hose. “But I’m from Georgia.”