Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Poetry Contest Winner!

Two of my poems were picked. They will be published in an anthology in February of 2009. The anthology is going to be available from real bookstores like Amazon!

I still can’t believe it’s real! I entered three poems, and they picked two. That’s pretty good! I also won $20.00!

The poems will be between the sections of short stories in the anthology. I get my own copy of the book for winning which is even cooler!

When the link for the book is up, I will put it here on the blog so you can all check it out!
I am so excited!


~willow~ said...

congratulations!! that's great news!! :)

Susan Helene Gottfried said...

Congratulations, Angel!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. That is so great.

Angel said...

Thank you all! I am so happy about it.

Crafty Green Poet said...
