Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Breaking the Ice

Here is my contribution to the Three Word Wednesday prompt for the week.

Thomas knew he had to break the tension hiding under the surface of all the false pleasantry filling the room. If they never got it out in the open, all the negative energy would eat them alive, and that was no way for family to live.

“I’m telling you, John tripped Kevin,” Thomas spoke into the uneasy silence that had settled over the room, and then sat back and smiled while his family fought over who really won the flag football game earlier, knowing there was no better way to get his family back on track than with a good fight.


Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Loved the twist in this.

Jay R. Thurston said...

Short and sweet, you incorporated the words seamlessly.

VL Sheridan said...

Oh yea, there's nothing like a good fight to bring love ones together. Well done.

R.S. Bohn said...

Nice and short and perfectly incorporated words! Jeez, I could use a lesson in being more succint myself, LOL!

Angel said...

Thanks for all the comments, y'all.

R.S., I love micro and flash fiction because I'm much better at getting straight to the point than stretching things out.

Susannah said...

Loved it. ;-)

Dreamer said...

Liked it. It is such a good idea for families should trash things out and resolve it instead of covering it up and letting it fester.

Ramesh Sood said...

Oh, this is a good one.. nice way!

Ramesh Sood said...

Oh, this is a good one.. nice way!

Jim Bronyaur said...

Nice n' short but with a punch.


Anonymous said...

I share your views on miscrofiction !! and this one .. well ! it was perfect !!! :)

Christine said...

Sweet. I loved the little twist at the end.

Angel said...

Thank you all so much for reading! I'm glad you liked the piece.