Sunday, August 23, 2020


 I entered the contest in my Facebook group again this month. The photo prompt is a statue of Atlas with the world on his shoulders. Here is what I came up with. I hope y'all get it.



“Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear!”

“What are you going on about, Epimetheus?” Prometheus demanded.

“Look!” Epimetheus said and pointed. His finger was shaking so hard that Prometheus couldn’t tell where he was supposed to look. He was about to ask again when he saw the globe fall over the edge. His blood ran cold.

“Is that what I think it is?” he asked Epimetheus.

“Yes,” Epimetheus answered. “Father is going to be very unhappy.”

“Very unhappy?” Prometheus thought his brother had finally lost it completely. “Father is going to kill someone for this.” He shook his head. “Where is Atlas and how did this happen, Epimetheus?”

Epimetheus wouldn’t look Prometheus in the eye. He mumbled something about losing his glasses, again, and asking Atlas if he knew where they were. He had turned so pale Prometheus thought he might pass out.

Prometheus had to lean in close to hear as Epimetheus whispered, “And then Atlas shrugged.”

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