Wednesday, February 17, 2010

False Fricassee

My micro fiction piece for the Three Word Wednesday prompt this week. More lighthearted than usual, but I hope y'all enjoy it.

Celeste took a ragged breath. Squaring her shoulders, she began to tidy up. Hearing the doorbell, she admired her reflection in the mirrored surface of the oven. Blowing herself a kiss, she headed to open the door for a night she was sure would be the beginning of something wonderful, not aware of the pending disaster that would occur if her guest, renowned chef Pierre Blush, noticed the takeout box peaking from the trash bin.


Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Sharp, engaging ending and a wonderful twist. Small package, big rewards in this piece.

Julie Jordan Scott said...

Hmmm. Intriguing and also poetic in its rhythmic writing. Reading it aloud, I found something new.


Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, been there, done that! Cool!!

Stan Ski said...

Too many cooks... I think she'll be OK.

Marie said...

Wonderful, cute ending.

Dee Martin said...

Oh I love this! I never get away with anything - I am always caught. I could feel the little nagging feeling unease, knowing something is showing somewhere...

Crystal Phares said...

Very fun and rhythmic. Love the twist at the end.

Angel said...

Thanks so much, y'all.

Timothy P. Remp said...

I loved she blew herself a kiss. Reminds me of my daughter :)


Tumblewords: said...

A delightful read!

peggy said...

I loved that she peeked at her reflection in the stove, and that you named her Celeste. Ah, the perils of dates!

Angel said...

Thanks for reading, everyone. I always worry when I DON'T kill someone that maybe people won't like the story. Glad y'all enjoyed it.

Jay R. Thurston said...

Note to self : empty trash receptacles before inviting famous chefs over.

For as short as this is, it contains a great deal of story. That's skillful storytelling!