Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Near Miss

My micro fiction piece for the Three Word Wednesday prompt this week.

Jeremy was lucky to walk away with just a sliver of wood from the sled as a reminder of his near death experience. Were it not for a freak twist of fate, his downhill slide would have ended in disaster. Instead, his friends all had a good laugh when he barely clipped the tree and flipped head over heels.


Chris said...

Yes, we have similar thoughts :-)

Jae Rose said...

Micro fiction..I love that..made me smile also..Jae

Angel said...

Thanks for the comments, y'all.

Wayne Pitchko said...

niely done Angel....thanks for sharing your words

Anonymous said...

Interesting. Memories of childhood near-misses on snow and ice. Most children never think of them as "near-death experiences", so I get the feeling this person is a teenager.

Angel said...

I was envisioning the person in the story as late teens/early 20's, Mendur.

Sheilagh Lee said...

very nicely done a great micro story.