Thursday, March 19, 2009

Unlikely Hero

This is my story for the Three Word Wednesday prompt this week.

“Burdens are ubiquitous in this day and age,” the Red Cross representative proclaimed to the anxious crowd. “We want to thank all of you for offering your services to your fallen friends today; in light of the damages you all incurred yourselves.”

Clem looked around, studying his neighbors, what was left of them anyway. The tornado had devastated his small town overnight. Many were taken in their sleep.

Burt nudged Clancy, “Look over there,” he said, pointing at Clem. “What’s old man Gregory doing here? Like he ever cared about anybody,” he finished in disgust.

Clem felt them watching him, sneers on their faces.

“And now I’d like to take a moment to thank someone. A true hero among us.”

Everyone looked around, wondering whom the speaker was talking about. When she singled Clem Gregory out, a gasp went through the crowd.

“Mr. Gregory opened his root cellar to three of his neighbors last night. Without his generosity, all would have perished along with their homes.”

Clem smiled when applause broke out and enjoyed the rest of the speech in his honor.

After fighting his way through the crowd, who all wanted to personally thank him, Clem finally made it to his truck. He enjoyed the limelight during the speech, but didn’t cotton too well to people touching and talking to him. Next time we’re playing poker at George’s house, he grumbled to himself, pulling out of the parking lot.

If you liked this story,please check out my others on the Your Photo Story blog.


Tumblewords: said...

Clever. Very clever. Enjoyable read.

sudharm baxi said...


Enjoyed reading it.
Good work!!

Sepiru Chris said...


Fantastic misdirection.

Works like this stick in my head.

A thoroughly enjoyable read. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Good read, great twist. Thanks for the chuckle.

Anonymous said...

I like the ending, I think people do ordinary things and never things about them but it doesn't take away the lasting effecting, even by default

Heather said...

I love a happy ending -- especially with a humorous twist! lol Great job!

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

Great misdirection. And isn't it true? Heroes just sort of happen. Liked this very much.