Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Price of Beauty

This is my contribution to this weeks Three Word Wednesday prompt.

It was a grave offence to all things good and decent that she had to forgo the decadent chocolate éclair beckoning from the dessert tray, but offended or not, Gwyneth wanted to keep the lithe figure all the fashion magazines paid big bucks for so she squared her shoulders and ordered a bowl of strawberries instead.


PS the Pratsie said...

haha .. this was too good :)

peggy said...

When I saw just a paragraph I didn't expect a story; much less the words to fit.

I was wrong on both counts. Angel, I'm impressed.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, the dedication. Gwyneth has self control for sure! Nice piece.

Angel said...

Thank you all. I'm going to read everyone's contributions tonight. Looking forward to it!

Dee Martin said...

I'm with her except I want that bowl of strawberries on top of a big fat piece of cheesecake. :)

Timothy P. Remp said...

Your piece reminded me I have no self control :) Nicely done.

Timothy P. Remp said...

Your piece reminded me I have no self control. :) Nicely done.

Timothy P. Remp said...

Your piece reminds me I have no self control :) Nicely done.