Monday, April 2, 2012

Been There, Done That

“We could break into somebody’s house.”

“Broke into my first house when I was fifteen.”

“A liquor store?” 

“Hit Jacks when I was twenty. Only had $450.00 in the register.”

“Rob a bank?”

“Worked a job with the Jenkins gang back in ’07. Held up the Palmira National Bank and Trust over in Nobstown.”

When Marcus said he wanted to do something different, that he was tired of the same ole thing, Gary thought it would be easy to come up with a new heist. He wasn’t so sure now. Seems Marcus had a more interesting past that Gary was aware of. 

Gary thought for a few minutes, smiled, and just for shits and giggles, threw out, “We could kill somebody.”

“Been there, done that.”


Andi Lea said...

Ah, the cliffhanger makes me want more! Well done.

LA Nickers said...

Now I want to read the rest of the story!

Popping in as an A to Z Blogging Challenge participant. Please feel free to visit and comment on any of my blogs as well, leaving a link to your own post, so my readers can find you too!

All on and all in the A to Z Challenge

Heart of a Ready Writer – Bible &Devotional
Meme Express – Daily Blog Prompts (A to Z)
Nickers and Ink – featuring favorite classic poems from A to Z
Practically at Home – Wait till you see what fellow writers are cited – with article links! Maybe you!
Simply Snickers – Not posting daily in the A to Z Challenge, but inviting you to leave comments with you A to Z/NaPoWriMo poetry links!
The Mane Point – profiling special horses from A to Z (just a few letter spots left!) –
Working in Words – Writing How-to’s

You can click my name/icon for links to all these blogs!
Happy A-to-Z-ing!
Linda Ann

Angel said...

Thanks for reading, y'all.

andi-roo-pookins said...

My mom says "Been there, done that" all the time & it drives me nuts. This is the first time I've come across the phrase & it actually felt perfectly placed. Thank you for that! Also, loving your flash fiction pieces! Will be back for more :)

Andi-Roo /// @theworld4realz

Arlee Bird said...

Not very nice guys.

Places I Remember
Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Angel said...

Thanks for reading, Andi and Arlee. Glad you liked my little fiction.