Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dark of the Moon

Combing the Three Word Wednesday prompt with the A to Z Blogging Challenge this week. Today's words on 3WW are: growl, hype and justify and the letter of the day for the A to Z Challenge is "D".

Damien stopped to growl at a mutt in the alley before resuming his trek home.  He knew he had to be more careful these days. All the hype in the media about a wild animal being responsible for the recent deaths had heightened everyone’s senses so anything suspicious would cause alarm, but the mutt had been following him for three blocks and he’d finally had enough.

One growl from the larger, more ferocious canine was all it took. It could have been the blood still dripping from his jowls or the glow of his eyes that did it too. Damien didn’t care as long as the animal stopped following him.

He could feel the change beginning and wanted to reach his own backyard before it took place. The media would be sure to have a field day if it happened in the middle of town, and someone spotted a half-naked man with blood all over him walking the streets. 

Not that there were many people out. Not anymore. Everyone tried to get inside early these days because they didn’t want to be next. 

Damien was relieved when he spotted his house just up ahead. By that time, his backbone had already started elongating, his hands growing larger and reforming, and hair falling out. 

Cut it too close this time, he thought as he pushed through his back door. 

At least Janet was gone and he no longer had to justify his whereabouts. He had really liked Janet, as a lover and as a meal…


Sheilagh Lee said...

Deliciously dark werewolf story.Ilove this

Jae Rose said...

ooh, what an ending..and I thought he was a werewolf with a conscience..Jae

Ellecee said...

Dark indeed. Well written. Scary character for sure.

Angel said...

Thanks so much,y'all. I hardly ever write stuff like this so it's nice to hear I didn't do awful with it.

Cathy & Bob said...

Heck, Angel, this type of flash story is what you've built your reputation on, it's just a werewolf instead of some down-to-his bones pure evil serial killer. And, I might add, this was very well put together, as well....

Angel said...

Thanks, Robert, that means a lot.

Andy Sewina said...

Dead good! Love the ending!!!

Daydreamertoo said...

Oooo... and as a meal... shudders!!


Unknown said...

Oh! that last line was too much!!!!

Angel said...

Thanks for reading. I'm so glad this story is going over well.